When you’re a woman who is really interested in dating, you may wonder why is he waiting to sleep with me?

Why Is He Waiting to Sleep With Me
Why Is He Waiting to Sleep With Me?

It’s a tough situation, but the truth is, there are plenty of things you can do to make your relationship work. This article will help you figure out how to get him to do what you want.

Let a relationship go if you aren’t aligned with what you want

If you aren’t happy with the way your relationship is going, you might be wondering if you should let it go. It can be a very personal decision and you will want to make sure you feel comfortable with the choice. You should first ask yourself what your motivation is for staying in the relationship. Once you are satisfied with the answers, you can decide whether the relationship is in line with your goals and values.

Leaving a relationship is never easy. There is a lot of guilt and discomfort involved. If you find that the relationship is more painful than you’d like, you should end it. While it can be hard, you deserve to explore what you really want. Ultimately, you will be happier without your partner, which frees up your energy to pursue other things.

The most important thing to remember is that you deserve to know what you want and you should not feel bad about it. It’s a process that takes time and you should not be ashamed of it. Your partner’s non-negotiables may be different from yours, but you should still be on the same page about how to handle your relationship.

In addition, your relationship should be safe. If your partner is in a situation that is insecure, you should tell him or her. Be sure to tell your partner in a public setting, and always prioritize safety first.