Complimenting a girl’s looks is a classic, but it’s not the only way to win her heart. You can also complement her personality. By describing her good looks or the way she laughs, you’ll make her eyes light up and your heart skip a beat. If you’re wondering how to make her laugh, here are some tips. These tips will help you make her feel good about herself and will build her self-esteem.

What to Say to a Girl You Like
What to Say to a Girl You Like


Expressing appreciation for a girl you like can be a tricky task. One way to say it is to ask her about her day. Another is to text her to express your appreciation. These simple gestures are sure to make her feel special and important. In addition, you should acknowledge romantic gestures that she makes. Men should not be cliche when it comes to giving gifts to women. For example, a simple text saying “Thank You” or “I appreciate you” will show your girlfriend that you are thankful for her unique personality.

It may be tempting to hold off on your appreciation, but do not. You may create a feeling of resentment in the other person. That’s not easy to undo. According to Dr. Gail Saltz, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at NY Presbyterian Hospital, “a lack of appreciation can result in a lot of negative emotions and problems later.”


The key to complimenting someone you like is to be authentic. Compliments should relate to the person and show how much you appreciate their looks, abilities, or personality. If you’re not sure what to say, start by saying something nice about her wardrobe, her style, or her hair. You can even compliment her for her sense of style, or for her ability to eat and drink like a pro. Often, a compliment can go a long way.

While compliments are a great way to build a romantic connection with a girl, you need to be careful to avoid sounding creepy or cheesy. Girls like to be acknowledged and appreciated, so a few well-placed compliments are the perfect way to convey these feelings. Remember, compliments are not pick-up lines. Instead, slip them into a conversation naturally. If the girl you’re talking to is suspicious of compliments, don’t do it. Just make sure to gauge her reaction.

Making her laugh

When trying to make a girl laugh, your timing is of utmost importance. You want to know what makes her laugh and how to adapt your jokes to her sense of humor. Being funny is one of the best ways to impress her and gain her trust. The following tips will guide you to create an entertaining conversation with your girl. Using humor as a way to win her over will help you to get closer to her and create an instant connection.

Be cute around her – Girls love cute guys who act cute around them. Just make sure not to be overly goofy, though, and stick to small, fun-filled moments. Make sure you observe her surroundings, and take advantage of them. You can make fun of things around you to get her talking. Of course, remember to avoid any remarks that might be offensive. However, be sure to use your observations to spark a conversation.

Building self-esteem

A low self-esteem can prevent you from approaching a beautiful girl, taking control of the conversation, or even going for the kiss. The best way to overcome this problem is to take things one step at a time, and not expect immediate results. Instead, practice saying “no” and building your self-esteem from within. You should use unique pickup lines rather than cliches that you learned from textbooks. Choose an honest compliment or ask a girl about her day.

Poor self-esteem can also make it difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Developing a positive self-talk and setting boundaries are important tools for boosting your self-esteem. These are important strategies to improve your self-confidence, as they will have positive effects on your health and relationships. Women in particular can struggle with self-confidence issues, as they tend to care for others and don’t take care of themselves. If you’re worried about how you look, you might even feel like you don’t deserve happiness.

Taking the initiative

If you have a hard time taking the initiative with a girl you like, you are not alone. There are many reasons for this, including internal and external factors. Perhaps you have a million things on your mind, such as a to-do list. Whatever the reason, you must try to make an effort to take the initiative. The following are some tips for taking the initiative:

Introduce yourself to her. Many people don’t like to introduce themselves, so make it a point to approach her first. Send her a personal e-mail, text, or phone call. Introduce yourself to other people she knows, and ask her out to an event. Taking the initiative will increase your chances of success, because she will be intrigued by your efforts. She may even remember you.