If you’ve ever wondered what sexual immorality means, you’re not alone. There are many definitions of the term. These include adultery, fornication, incest, and illegitimate sexual relations. Understanding what each of these means is crucial for understanding the different types of immorality.

What Does Sexual Immorality Mean
What Does Sexual Immorality Mean?


Preaching against fornication and sexual immorality is an essential part of the church’s mission. Unfortunately, these topics are not typically addressed in most Christian churches today. The Bible calls for Christians to refrain from fornication and sexual immorality. The problem is that the words don’t always correspond. For example, the word porneia means “sexual intercourse,” but modern translators don’t like the term because they fear that people won’t understand what they mean. Therefore, the more popular translations are “sexual immorality” and “immorality”.

Fornication and sexual immorality are both blatantly immoral acts. Both involve unmarried individuals having sexual relations outside of marriage. This practice is also known as ‘figurative fornication,’ in which one person indulges in illicit sexual relations with another. The Bible doesn’t distinguish between these two types of sexual immorality, but does condemn child molesting and fornication between unmarried couples.


Despite the similarities, adultery and sexual immorality are not the same. Adultery is a sin that destroys the foundation of the world God created. God intended for man to be fruitful and multiply, filling the earth. As families grow and children are born, adultery is a sin that destroys a family.

Biblically, adultery involves a man having sexual intercourse with the wife of another man. It is a violation of the man-woman bond, and the man must be faithful to his wife. This is a sin against God, which is why a man should never commit adultery.


Incest is a type of sexual immorality that involves the intercourse of a man and a woman. It is forbidden in most societies because it increases the risk of genetic disorders in children. Incest has several legal and social ramifications. While incest is against the law in most cultures, it is acceptable in some cultures.

In the ancient world, incest and other forms of sexual immorality were illegal. The Roman Empire outlawed incest as a form of adultery, and this taboo continued until the Renaissance. It was also illegal for non-Romans to marry their aunts, and Romans were only allowed to marry their relatives. The Roman Emperor Caligula is rumored to have sexual relationships with three of his sisters. However, the Roman Emperor Claudius changed the law and married his brother’s daughter Agrippina the Younger.

Illegitimate sexual relations

The Bible is full of verses regarding sexual immorality. For example, Genesis 1:1-2 explains why God created Adam and Eve, describing them as one flesh, and their sexual relationship. The Bible also defines sexual immorality as any sexual act that occurs outside of marriage.

In the past, the most effective way to control sexuality was within marriage and family relationships. Extramarital relationships were considered illegitimate and were punishable by law. However, different types of unsanctioned relationships were widely practiced. The level of acceptance varied, depending on the attitudes of leaders, the damage to the common cause, and the status of the offender in the power hierarchy.


The New Testament’s prohibition of pornography has a close relationship to the seventh commandment, which forbids adultery. Yet the term has a broader meaning than that. The term porneia can also refer to the worship of idols, which Thayer considers to be an expression of sexual immorality.

Porneia is any sexual activity that does not take place within the marriage covenant. This includes pre-marital sex, homosexual practices, prostitution, bestiality, and all other types of sexual activity outside the marriage.

Incest causes defective traits in children

Children born in incest have higher risk of being born prematurely, being underweight or undersized, and having physical deformities. They are also more likely to have cleft palates, a congenital disorder that can cause speech and feeding difficulties. And although these conditions may not be fatal, they can affect a child’s life.

Emotional incest can be caused by a number of different factors, including the caregiver’s own mental health. The caregiver may be emotionally and physically unfit, or may have a tendency to turn the child toward him or her for emotional support. The child may not realize that this behavior isn’t normal for a parent, and it may even cause the child to idealize the caregiver.

Remedies for sexual immorality

While there is no specific cure for sexual immorality, you can take steps to remedy your behavior. One way to do so is to practice self-reflection and prayer. You may also consider avoiding highly sexualized media and risky activities. These can impair your judgment and may contribute to sexual immorality. Lastly, you can seek help from a counselor. Many good counselors specialize in sexual issues, and they can help you work through your issues.

In addition to addressing sexual immorality, you should address the underlying causes of this societal ill. Understanding how the urge for sexual intercourse develops is the first step to addressing the issue. In particular, youths are at an increased risk for sexual immorality. They become insatiable with their own desires, and if their sexuality becomes excessive, they may even resort to rape.