The list of big turn ons isn’t just for men. In fact, women ranked the same top three as men when it comes to being turned on by certain behaviors. Men also find ear nibbling, sex toys in bed, and eye-contact during sex all highly desirable. A recent survey found that 46 percent of Americans find the presence of sex toys in bed to be an absolute turn on. The survey results were also broken down by gender. In fact, 76 percent of men ranked falling on their partner as a huge turn on while only 55 percent of women said the same.

The Biggest Turn Ons For Women
The Biggest Turn Ons For Women

Making out

Make sure that you are touching her in the right places. A man should also have a sense of humor, but he shouldn’t be too arrogant. Women appreciate when men show interest in them, even if they’re not arrogant themselves. If you want to impress her, don’t be too overly eager. Instead, create an atmosphere of mystery. Surprise her with small, thoughtful gestures that make her feel special.

Smelling good

Smelling good is an obvious way to make a man more appealing to a woman. In fact, a study from OkCupid found that 81% of members are attracted to someone with a great scent. But a bad odor can make women turn off as well. In the OkCupid poll, women ranked the scent of Duchess of Cambridge as the top turn-on, followed by an arousing scent from the Duchess of Cambridge.


Women want to be stimulated – both emotionally and intellectually. Using the power of attraction to turn a woman on can be a great way to get her attention and ignite a passionate passion. In dating and relationships, it is crucial to provide her with the kind of stimulation she wants. To learn more, read on. Here are three tips to turn a woman on:


Laughter is one of the most powerful turn ons and the most common, so try it next time you’re out on a date! Laughter releases beta-endorphins into your body, a neurotransmitter that suppresses pain. Laughter stimulates the right and left sides of the brain, involving the frontal lobe, the part of the brain responsible for understanding joke structure and emotions, and the motor region of the brain that produces the sound of laughter. One minute of laughter releases enough oxygen into your bloodstream to equal ten minutes of rowing on a rowing machine.

Connection with your partner

You can make your man look forward to bed by connecting with him physically, mentally, and emotionally. A sensual conversation will make him anticipate the time you spend in bed. You can also play up his senses by being more sensual and engaging in intimate physical activity. These are some of the key turn-ons for men. Listed below are some of the other top ways to turn on your man.

Physical traits that turn men on

The most attractive physical attributes are sexy and desirable, and you don’t have to be a supermodel to turn men on. In fact, a new study suggests that some women are more attractive than others simply because of their physical traits. It turns out that a man’s body odor can play a huge role in determining his interest in a woman. Researchers used cotton pads to determine a woman’s body odor, and men ranked her scent from 0 to 100.