Soft butch lesbians are a unique subset of lesbians who showcase masculine norms while also presenting in some feminine ways. This is a way to show that femininity isn’t all that’s required in order to be a lesbian.

Soft Butch Lesbians
Soft Butch Lesbians

If you’re a soft butch lesbian, it is important to recognize your strengths and be proud of them. It is also important to acknowledge that butchness isn’t just a Western cultural idea, it has been around for centuries and continues to challenge traditional gender roles and expressions.

What is a soft butch?

A soft butch lesbian is a woman who presents herself and dresses in a masculine manner. They may wear jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets, or boots.

Butchness is about much more than just clothing, though. For many butches, it’s a way to challenge gender norms in both their own lives and in the culture.

It can also be a way to find a community that shares their interests and values, even as they live outside the mainstream. A butch can be a strong feminist or LGBTQ+ activist, or she may simply be a woman who rejects femininity and embraces the parts of masculinity that feel right to her.

The idea of butchness is rooted in the 1940s and 50s American underground lesbian bars, where women who dressed as men and embraced a butch-femme dynamic both mirrored and subverted the prevailing gender stereotypes at the time. Despite the sexism and misogyny that still exists in many societies, butches have long been an integral part of queer communities and activism.

Gender expression

Gender expression is how a person presents themselves, usually in ways that align with their gender identity. It can be masculine, feminine or androgynous. It may also vary depending on a person’s experiences and cultural expectations.

Some people are cisgender (meaning their gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth), while others are transgender (meaning their gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth). Cisgender or transgender people typically have gender expression that aligns with their sex, while those who identify as gender fluid/non-binary often express gender in ways that do not fit within societal, gender-based expectations.

For example, a girl who cuts her hair short and wears clothing perceived as masculine is often called a tomboy. She may also be labeled as a dyke, a word many lesbians reclaim today.

Gender identity

In society, most people identify as either a man (or a boy) or a woman (or a girl). But many people also have a gender identity that doesn’t fit into one of these categories. They may be cisgender, transgender, nonbinary, gender fluid or agender.

Gender identity is how you feel about your gender and how you express that in your clothes, body language, social interactions, and more. Some people may feel more comfortable expressing their gender in masculine ways, while others prefer to express it in feminine ways.

Butch lesbians typically display masculinity traits that are not entirely masculine and femininity characteristics that are not strictly feminine. They are often referred to as soft butch lesbians.

Butch lesbians are a growing segment of the LGBTQ+ community and a few clubs have recently been set up in London, Bristol and beyond to celebrate their community. The Saturday night event Butch, Please! in London has been sold out for months, and the Pillow Kings and Soft Butch nights in Bristol have both been running sell-out events.


Soft butch lesbians often display many characteristics that fit the masculine stereotype, yet they can also express themselves in feminine ways. They may have short hair, dress in masculine norms, and perform traditionally feminine roles at home.

Sexuality is a person’s feelings, thoughts, desires, identities, and values surrounding sexual activities. It includes sexual attraction and romantic relationships.

Being sexually active is a part of a person’s identity and is a normal, natural behavior that occurs in all people. However, some people choose to engage in less sexual activity than others.

When deciding on your sexuality, it is important to consider your own personal preferences and what you feel comfortable with. This can be helpful when navigating your community and social situations.

You may also want to take into consideration your career choices. Some butch lesbians may be drawn to physically demanding jobs that defy traditional stereotypes, such as police work or firefighting. This can be a great way to connect with others and show that you are strong, confident, and proud of your gender expression.