Sexual disorders can result in a variety of physical and psychological issues. This article will discuss various disorders and their causes, and how they may be treated.

Sexual Disorders - Causes and Treatment
Sexual Disorders – Causes and Treatment

The article will discuss some of the most common sexual disorders and how they may be treated. This article will also touch on Frotteurism and Vaginismus.


Vaginismus is a painful sexual disorder that causes the vagina to swell or tighten. The disorder causes anxiety and fear about sexual intercourse and can cause a person to avoid intimacy. It can also negatively affect a person’s relationships. It may even prevent a person from making new friends and dating. There are many different causes of vaginismus, and a medical evaluation can be helpful to determine which one you are dealing with.


Fetishism is a disorder that involves having a sexual interest in something not alive. The object of fetishization can be an object, part of the body, or a combination of these. Some common fetishes are clothing, shoes, and women’s underclothes. This condition is often caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals that control thoughts, emotions, and actions. It can be exacerbated by stress.


Frotteurism, or the act of performing sexual acts out of the presence of others, is a disorder that affects young males in their teens to early 20s. It has also been reported in older, socially insecure men. Although male frotturers are less common, women can also be a target. It is important to treat this disorder as a medical problem. If untreated, frotturism can have negative effects on both the victim and others. The first step to treating this disorder is acknowledging your feelings and seeking help.


Voyeurism and sexual disorders are common and sometimes treatable conditions. Often, therapy is an effective way to treat the condition. Therapy includes cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy. The goal of therapy is to help the client overcome the urges that lead to voyeurism.

Sexual aversion disorder

People suffering from sexual aversion disorder (SAD) are likely to have poor social lives and lack confidence. However, they are often unwilling to seek medical help or therapy. This disorder can affect many areas of a person’s life, including finances, intimacy, and family dynamics. Thankfully, treatment is available, and it can help people overcome their phobias and return to enjoying sexual intimacy.

Post-orgasmic disorders

While post-orgasmic sexual disorders are rare, they do exist. Unfortunately, they are often misdiagnosed by health care providers, leading to unnecessary tests and treatments. The condition’s cause is unclear, but there are several treatment options available. The most effective treatments include hormone therapy and desensitization. However, other treatment modalities aren’t proven yet, and have not been studied in controlled placebo-controlled studies.


Many women experience sexual disorders and sexual problems during menopause. These symptoms can interfere with their ability to have an intimate relationship and can lead to a decline in quality of life. Fortunately, there is help available. Menopause-related sexual disorders can be treated with the help of a physician or a sexual health care provider.