When seeking casual sex on a phone dating chat line that offers a 30-minute free trial, keep all of the safety precautions that you would take if going out on any other in-person dates. It is still a good idea to meet in public and to get to know the person for at least three to six phone calls before deciding to meet up in person.

Safety When Seeking Casual Sex
Safety When Seeking Casual Sex

Professionals recommend that you let someone else know where you are going and what you are doing. It is also good to let them know the other person’s contact information, even if it is simply their phone dating hotline number, to at least one person.

Casual sex can be extraordinarily fun, and there are plenty of people on phone dating services that are seeking it out. Grab your phone and make some calls today, while the process may take a little bit of time, the results are well worth.

After first meeting a casual sex partner.

Casual sex has the ability to be a fantastic experience. There are often no expectations, and no need for follow-through or seeing the other person ever again. Even though it is casual in nature, sex can be both good and bad, safe and unsafe.

After meeting a potential casual sex partner for the first time, the next step is to make plans to hook up. Sometimes the plans involve scheduling a few more phone calls to get to know better the person you might be having fun sexy times with. It is not always the best idea to dive into a casual sex situation after the first phone conversation.

A few more conversations will also help you get to know their sexual proclivities. Talking about what you both enjoy can make for some fantastic sex. Other conversation points that may be brought up include the best places to meet up, and whether anyone should bring snacks.

Always remember that you always have a choice when it comes to casual sex. Respect the other person, and if either of you is done, the sex time is over.  Have fun, be safe, and play hard.

But sometimes the question pops-up as to whether or not to have sex after you have met someone for the first time that you’ve just chatted with over the phone. So do I have sex on the first date or do I hold out.