Polyamorous lesbians have always been a part of our society, but they have become more prevalent over the last few years. The reason for this is because more and more women are choosing to have an open relationship.

Protecting Yourself As a Polyamorous Lesbian
Protecting Yourself As a Polyamorous Lesbian

While this can be great for relationships, it can also lead to complications. Hence, it is important to be aware of how to protect yourself against the risks involved.


Polyamory is a term for a variety of relationships in which two or more people have a close, emotional bond. These relationships may be open or devoted.

Historically, polyamory emerged in the late 1960s and early ’70s as a countercultural movement in a distinctly queer milieu. It intersected with the free love movement and the bisexual movement.

Polyamory focuses on flexible intimacy and honesty. A common misconception is that polyamory is the sexual equivalent of non-monogamy.

Polyamory, however, is much more than that. Often, it is a politically radical structure that rewrites traditional notions of sex. The word comes from Greek and Latin words, which means “many.” Polyamory refers to a variety of relationships in which several people are involved, including heterosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, and sadomasochists.

Relationship anarchy

There is an understanding among some relationship anarchists that every relationship is different. Rather than trying to define a particular way of doing things, relationship anarchy is more about exploring and discovering how to make connections.

One of the most popular ways of defining polyamory is to describe it as an umbrella term for non-monogamy. This is based on popular books and mailing lists. While this definition may be appropriate for some people, it is not the right one for all polyamorous relationships. Moreover, defining polyamory this way leaves the possibility of establishing different kinds of relationships.

A more comprehensive definition of polyamory would include different forms of relating, from sex to cohabitation, as well as the different types of relationships themselves. Some definitions even go as far as to define polyamory as the act of maintaining multiple relationships simultaneously.


When a person says triad, he or she is referring to a polyamorous relationship between three people. There are actually two types of triads: the open triad and the closed triad.

The open triad is a relatively new concept in polyamory, but is a relatively simple structure. In this case, two individuals with relationships with each other are dating a third. Often, these people are not sexually involved with each other, but it is possible to have a close, healthy relationship.

The closed triad is more complex. Unlike the open triad, a person in a closed triad is not open to other outsiders. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. For instance, the triad may allow a person to get some closure, which can be valuable.


Swinging is a type of nonmonogamy, characterized by having sexual interactions with more than one person at a time. However, swinging has different implications than polyamory.

Polyamory, on the other hand, is a romantic relationship where two or more people share a primary partner. The primary partner is usually privileged in decision-making and is emotionally involved. Some people may be in polyamorous relationships with other individuals, but it is illegal in the United States to marry more than one person.

The difference between polyamory and swinging is that the former has more widespread appeal. It has been estimated that 5 percent of Americans are in nonmonogamy relationships.

There are many reasons that people choose a polyamorous lifestyle. They may want to avoid a traditional marriage, or they may seek an egalitarian way to live.


Polyamory is a practice of establishing a consensual relationship with more than one person. It is also known as ethical non-monogamy. The polyamory style is often characterized by sexual intimacy between partners.

Polyamory is also sometimes referred to as a “safe space,” because it is based on honesty and openness. This lifestyle has become more popular in recent years. However, it is not an ideal lifestyle for everyone.

People who engage in polyamory may be at risk for cheating. Studies have shown that polyamorous individuals are not immune to jealousy.

The main reason people cheat is because they want to break monogamy. Infidelity is considered to be a traumatic experience. It can lead to lower self-esteem and a fear of being cheated on again.