Lesbians – Top Or Bottom

When you're looking for a lesbian partner, one of the first things you need to know is whether she prefers to have...

Soft Butch Lesbians

Soft butch lesbians are a unique subset of lesbians who showcase masculine norms while also presenting in some feminine ways. This is...

How to Be Successful on a Sissy Date

A sissy date is a dating experience for people who identify as women and crossdressers. It is a fun and safe way...

My Relationship is Boring

If you’re in a relationship and find yourself wondering if it’s worth it, you might be feeling bored. But you don’t have...

Keep the Romance Alive With These Long Distance Dating Apps

If you're in a long distance relationship, it can be hard to keep the romance alive. But don't give up! Keep the...

Bi Curious Woman

A bi curious woman is someone who is interested in exploring sexual or romantic relations with more than one gender. She might...