Sexy Older Guys Are More Than Just Sex

When it comes to sex, older guys take a more thoughtful approach. They see your worth beyond your body and sex. Sexy...

Normalise Female Pleasure and Make it More Accessible For Women

For women, the clitoris is one of our pleasure powerhouses. It contains 8,000 nerve endings that are the source of orgasm. Normalise...

Lesbian Encounter – How to Prepare For Your First Lesbian Encounter

Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. They may recognise their attractions at a young age or later in life....

What You Should Know About Male Hookups

Several studies have examined patterns of casual sex among college students. Typically, these studies have focused on heterosexual participants. What You Should...

Does She Like Me Tests – How to Tell If She Likes You

Girls aren't always straightforward when it comes to their feelings. That's why you need to pay attention to her actions and body...

How to Go About Kissing a Lesbian the First Time

If you’re a lesbian, kissing is something you probably have fantasies about. But it can be hard to know how to go...