If you’re unsure whether she likes you more than her friends, there are a few things to look for. Her behavior with other men may give you a clue as to her feelings.

How to Tell If a Girl Likes Me More Than a Friend
How to Tell If a Girl Likes Me More Than a Friend

Observe her behavior when talking to other guys and see how she reacts to emojis. If she seems to spend more time alone with you than her friends, she may be thinking about you more.

Signs she likes you more than a friend

When a girl likes you more than a friend, she’ll start trying to get closer to you. She’ll lean in when you talk and try to get closer when you sit next to her. She’ll also start to touch you more frequently. She may even start to tap on your shoulder to get your attention.

She’ll start to ask you personal questions. You’ll also notice her thinking about a relationship at other times than usual. When you’re alone together, she’ll notice the details and give you compliments.

Observe her behavior with other guys

One of the best ways to determine if a girl likes you is to observe her behavior around other guys. If she flirts with other guys, she might be trying to impress you. Similarly, if she constantly talks about other guys, she may be trying to impress you by making you jealous.

If a girl likes you, she will try to get closer to you. She will lean on you more often, make eye contact, or move closer to you when you’re talking. You may also notice her tapping your shoulder in an attempt to get your attention. If this happens, she may be more than a friend.

Look for emojis

One way to find out if she likes you more than a friend is to watch how she texts you. If she begins using emojis in your texts, it’s likely she’s showing her feelings. Use emojis to make your texts more flirty and playful.

For instance, if you’re feeling flirty, you can send her a text that says “I love your emojis” or “I love emojis.” This will give her an indication that you think of her often and are eager to share them. Another great way to show how much you care about her is to dedicate a song to her. The song’s lyrics may remind her of you or bring back a special feeling for her.

Ask her about her friends

Ask her about her friends and you’ll get a better understanding of what she’s like. Women are naturally curious and you can find out about her friends by simply asking her. Besides, it will also give you an idea about her personality. After all, she has friends just like you. But you need to make sure that you don’t ask her about her ex.

Watch for jealousy

Watch for signs of jealousy in your man: He may not show his feelings to you or pretend to be a friend while he’s enamored of you. You can also watch for weird behaviors like shrugging off your questions.

Jealousy is the desire to protect what is rightfully yours. If you see your man making fun of other women or ignoring you, he could be jealous of you. He may even be flirting with different women. This is often an indication that he’s jealous of you.

Jealousy can be hard to detect in your partner, but it’s not as difficult as you might think. It can have negative effects on your relationship, and your partner may be offended or embarrassed if he or she senses that you’re jealous. When this occurs, it’s important to talk to your partner about it. Sometimes, it’s not a one-conversation issue, so it’s important to talk about it and get it cleared up as soon as possible.