The best way to start a conversation with a person you’re online dating is to ask open-ended questions. You can ask questions about music, travel, or hobbies.

How to Start a Conversation With Someone You're Online Dating
How to Start a Conversation With Someone You’re Online Dating

By answering their questions, you can create a conversation that leads to more meaningful interactions. You can also ask a question about the weather to start a conversation.

Ask open-ended questions

One of the best ways to start a convo with someone online is to ask open-ended questions. This will allow you to learn about her interests and hobbies. It is also a great way to learn about her life and work. For example, you might ask her about her current job satisfaction and where she works.

Be honest with your questions. If you are meeting someone on a dating app, you are communicating with another person, so you want to make sure that you don’t give them an impression that makes them think less of you. It’s important to avoid asking cliche questions or making it sound like you’re conducting an interview. Women will unmatch you very quickly if you ask them the same questions they’ve already heard a hundred times.

Ask about hobbies

Asking a potential date about his or her hobbies is an excellent way to establish rapport and make a connection. Moreover, a person’s hobbies can give a hint about their personality and interests. For instance, if he likes playing soccer, you can ask him or her about it. On the other hand, if your potential date enjoys reading books and playing video games, you can ask him or her about his or her favorite genre.

When chatting with someone online, the best way to establish a connection is to ask about his or her favorite hobby. This way, you’ll be able to determine whether you’d be compatible with them. In addition to that, you’ll be able to find out whether you share similar hobbies.

Ask about travel

People have an innate desire to explore the world. Others, however, prefer staying close to home and friends. Inquiring about the other person’s preferences can help determine if they are compatible with yours. You may want to find out whether they prefer outdoor activities or city excursions. You might even want to learn about their dream destination.

Ask about music

Girls love to talk about music, so if you’re looking for a good way to break the ice and get to know someone, ask them about it. Just be sure to prepare yourself by understanding the answer and don’t ask too personal questions. For instance, if you’re dating a girl who loves Nickelback, you might want to ask her about the band.

Ask about pets

Asking about pets can be a great icebreaker, says relationship expert Sandra Myers. People who love their pets often tell their pet stories, which can be a great icebreaker for a conversation. It can also help you learn about a person’s values.

People who own pets have a calming and engaging presence that can reassure nervous online daters. When looking for someone to initiate a conversation, ask about their pet and how it makes them feel.

Ask about tv shows

TV shows and movies are some of the best topics to start a conversation online. Not only will it show that you have a sense of humor, it will also give off a positive vibe in your inbox. Sharing your love for TV or movies will also show that you are willing to try new experiences and opinions. Not to mention, it will be fun to see what results you get!