Whether you’re in a heterosexual or LGBTQ+ relationship, a two women threesome can be an awesome experience. However, it’s important to have clear boundaries before you do one.

How to Play a Two Women Threesome
How to Play a Two Women Threesome

Some couples seek out a threesome to explore kinks they’re not into in one-on-one sex. It can also be a way to spice up a flailing relationship.

Choose Your Guest Star Wisely

A threesome can be a big step up for most people. They’re used to having sex with one person at a time, and threesomes can be confusing and overwhelming. It can also be difficult to make everyone feel included. It’s important to choose your guest star wisely.

Make sure you’ve talked openly with them about what they’re comfortable with. This includes whether or not they’re OK with you penetrating them and going down on them. It’s also a good idea to discuss a “safe word” that will let everyone know they need to stop.

Once the sex has happened, be sure to send your guest home not long afterward. It might seem like a hot idea at the time, but prolonging a threesome can be a recipe for all-out fiasco. Plus, it will reassure your partner that they’re still the most important thing to you. This is especially important if this is your partner’s first threesome.

Make Sure Everyone’s On the Same Page

It’s important for the people in a threesome to all be on the same page about what they want from the experience. It’s also important to make sure that everyone understands and respects each other’s boundaries. This will help to avoid any awkward situations down the road.

It can be easy for one person to become more turned on than another person. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that both partners get equal amounts of pleasure throughout the threesome. This will prevent anyone from feeling neglected or overlooked.

When the threesome is over, make sure to reassure your partner that they are your priority. This will help to reaffirm that your relationship is more important than any sexual experiences you have with other people in the future. It will also help to keep the door open for more threesomes in the future if that’s something that you both want.

Be Open to Trying New Things

When playing a threesome, it’s important to be open to trying new things. This is especially true for couples. After all, if your long-term partner isn’t comfortable with a threesome, you should respect that. Rather than try to convince them to change their mind, focus on turning them on in different ways.

For example, if your long-term partner doesn’t want to give head or oral pleasure, find other ways to turn them on instead. Try stroking their back, butt or thighs or kissing necks and tongue nipples.

You should also be open to trying different positions in bed. While it might seem taboo to have a two women threesome in a missionary position, it can be a lot of fun and offer some unique pleasures. However, it’s always best to limit any contact between your partner and the third person after a threesome is over. This will keep feelings of jealousy at bay and prevent the possibility of extramarital affairs.

Don’t Overdo It

In many cases, people want to have a threesome because they feel like it will add another dimension to their sex life. Steff* was in an open relationship, Stella* wanted to hook up with her best friend’s partner and Demi* wanted to give her husband a birthday present that she knew he’d love–a menage-a-trois.

Regardless of your reason, it’s always important to make sure that you and your partner are in a place where you can handle the extra sexual attention from a guest star. If you’re not, it can lead to jealousy and possessiveness that will have a negative impact on your relationship.

You should also discuss the boundaries that you and your guest star set together before anything takes place. For example, you may want to talk about which positions are okay (such as penetrative or oral sex) and agree on a safe word that anyone can use when they’re no longer comfortable.