Taking the aromantic flag as the sexual flag for Dream is harmful to queer communities. The flag has been around for several years, much longer than Dream’s yt channel, so taking it is unfair and counterproductive.

Dream Sexual Flag Questionnaire
Dream Sexual Flag Questionnaire

The flag does not define a human sexual identity; it is a merely a symbol of queerness.

Alternative versions of the somniosexual flag

A Tumblr user has made an alternative version of the somniosexual flag. The flag has five stripes, each different in color and width. The outer stripes are light gray, the middle stripes are purple, and the inner stripes are lavender. The colors represent different types of attraction.

Questionnaires about DE behaviors

Questionnaires about dream sexual flag behaviors can help researchers identify common dream behaviors. The goal is to determine whether dream-enacting behaviors are common in the general population, whether they differ by gender, and whether they are distinct from other parasomnias. The questionnaires can help researchers understand whether dream-enactment behaviors are influenced by personality traits and other variables.

In addition to identifying common DE behaviors, they can also help researchers better understand the frequency and causes of RBD. Previous research has shown that these behaviors are associated with infant care and may be predictive of future RBD symptoms. However, more research is needed to fully understand these behaviors and how they relate to different levels of childhood care.

Questionnaires about dream sexual flag behaviors have several limitations. In addition to being prone to ambiguous question wording, the results of dream enactment behaviors vary across individuals. Generally, dream-enacting behaviors are more likely to occur in healthy people. In addition, dream-enactment behaviors are highly sensitive to social desirability, and they occur independently of other parasomnias. Lastly, dream-enacting behaviors are distinct from somnambulism, wherein the awake state mirrors dream imagery.

Questionnaires about Social Desirability

A questionnaire was developed to measure social desire and dream sexual flag in women. The questionnaire consisted of 125 items, each of which was rated on a five-point Likert scale by participants. The scale interval anchors were Not at all likely (NaN), Somewhat Likely (SNL), Moderately Likely (MR), and Very Likely (EVL). It was administered to 874 women, with the help of community volunteers and University of Texas students.

Questionnaires about Dream’s fandom

The Dream fandom is vast, and has become increasingly vocal in the past year. Unlike other characters, Dream is not the only one with a massive fanbase. There are many other characters, too, including X-Men, Star Trek, Doctor Who, and many more. In this fandom, Dream has an active social media presence and a fan-created website. Fans are encouraged to take part in various community forums and questionnaires.