Girls get a bad rap for being crazy. They are the wild ones who begin each day with a new feeling. They have personality pouring out of their ears and toes.

Dealing With Girl Crazy
Dealing With Girl Crazy

If you’re dating a girl who gives you no privacy (receipts on her dresser, social media passwords locked in her phone), then you may have a crazy girlfriend. Here are the things you need to know about her.

1. She has a strong emotional intelligence

She is a little bit off-center, but not so much that she’s unreliable or irrational. She is confident enough to say what she feels and isn’t afraid to let you know when something doesn’t feel right.

If she has a lot of crazy friends or can’t seem to keep them, it might be time to reassess your relationship. Also, if she’s been known to poke holes in your condoms or claims she is pregnant when you’re not, run away from her!

A girl who’s prone to wild emotions isn’t a good match for anyone. She’ll go from being emo to over the top diva to demure country girl in a matter of days, and that’s not normal.

2. She has a strong sense of self

Even the most sane woman can act irrationally every now and then, especially when she’s super PMS-ing. But if you find yourself having to deal with crazy more than once or twice a month, it’s time to call a professional.

Keeper: She identifies her own issues and knows how to discuss them without turning the conversation into a fight. If she’s consistently annoyed that you forget to call her back or show up at dinner a few minutes late, she’ll ask you to be more considerate next time.

3. She has a strong sense of justice

Girl crazy is intensely passionate about everything she does, and doesn’t do things by half measures. She throws herself into her projects and subjects with reckless abandon, and loves everyone she knows deeply.

She also has a warped sense of justice, believing that those who do evil deserve no mercy. As such, she has a tendency to brutally murder those that she considers pure evil, even going as far as killing her captain in order to satiate her bloodlust.

This twisted sense of justice has caused her to be seen as a psychotic, sadistic person who enjoys killing to a point where it’s almost like a hobby.

4. She has a strong sense of adventure

Girl Crazy is a charming romantic comedy that features some of the Gershwin’s most famous songs. It also stars Judy Garland in her film debut. Although she was known to be a good singer and dancer, in this film she is a shy postmistress at a small college who has an adventurous side. The story follows her as she attempts to win the heart of a man played by Mickey Rooney. She is narcissistic and thinks everyone adores her, but she also clings tightly to “truths” that she has decided on, even if they make no sense.

5. She has a strong sense of fun

A girl with a strong sense of humor is always a joy to be around. She’s playful, and she finds something funny about every situation. Her friends and family adore her, too, because she’s one of the few people who can make them laugh even during their most challenging times.

She likes to have fun, and she doesn’t let anyone stop her from having it. Whether it’s trespassing for an impromptu adventure or getting her adrenaline fix with a random sex session, she knows how to have a good time.

6. She has a strong sense of loyalty

She is loyal to her friends, family and animals (and you). She’s not squeamish about sharing the details of past relationships with you and she avoids spilling your private stuff on her friends.

She’s committed to you and sees you in her future plans, which is a good sign. However, if she starts to snoop on your texts and emails, you may need to reel it in. She will also likely lash out at people who disrespect her, especially if she feels they are trying to put her down.

7. She has a strong sense of duty

She doesn’t do things by half-measures. She throws herself head-first into whatever she’s passionate about, and learns everything there is to know about it. She also doesn’t like being pushed to the side by people she cares about.

If you spend time with your friends and don’t invite her along, she starts to act jealous. She’ll jump to the worst conclusions, accusing you of not thinking about her. She’ll hound you until she can convince you to let her come along. Then she’ll treat you to the best night out ever!