When a single mom goes out on a date looking for a sex partner, there’s a whole lot more at play than just two people meeting up. Besides the universal stress of trying to find something to wear that reads “sexy” without looking too slutty, or too frumpy and comfortable – which we all wrestle with – then, there’s the logistics: finding a venue that you both want to try, and a time you’re both free to meet up!

Dating As A Single Mom
Dating As A Single Mom

Besides work, school, and extracurricular activities and all the other responsibilities which fill up the schedule, you also have to find a babysitter who’s free! Whew! You’ve got a lot on your plate, girl!

Dating is, essentially, “me time”. It’s a tough concept for most of us to wrap our heads around – because we’re so used to putting ourselves dead last – but it’s vital for moms to commit some exclusive time on our needs! And dating can be even more intimidating, because, let’s face it, the last good book you read or movie you’ve seen was made to keep a 4 year old’s attention.

You already feel a little out of the adult loop, now you’re supposed to walk in a pair of high heels? You have to be grown up enough to date people you might want to bring home and introduce to your brood, but you also want someone fun who makes your heart dance!

Phone dating really is the single mom’s best friend and is especially good if you are an amateur! Get your toes wet by meeting someone new, exciting, and local, while you’re listening to the little ones splash and play in the tub. Share a quick conversation with an eligible bachelor while you’re sitting in the car waiting for t-ball practice to end.

Take advantage of bedtime, and cure your insomnia, by talking to a guy about the things you really want and desire, now that it’s quiet and private enough to think about yourself for a while! Find your sexy again, even if you still have breakfast cereal in your hair.

You can feel safe, because you’re totally anonymous until you decide otherwise, and you can walk away at any time if you’re just not feeling it. You set the pace! Plus, if and when you finally do get to meet up in real life, you’re not walking into the date with a stranger. You’ve already made the basic, and most important connections, throughout your conversations.

Which equals less stress especially if you are an amateur! You can settle into romance with ease, and really enjoy some adult time – the kind you deserve – by simply putting that phone to use for you! There’s no commitment, so give it a try! You’ll be happy you did!