If you’re attracted to the female lead in a movie or find yourself comfortable with a group of female friends, it could be because you’re lesbian.

Are You a Lesbian
Are You a Lesbian?

But it’s important to know that not everyone is comfortable identifying as lesbian, and figuring out your sexual orientation takes time.

Despite the many social and cultural repressions during World War II, many women were able to create a subculture. This gave them an identity they could use to form relationships and families.

1. You are attracted to the female lead in a movie

A lesbian is a woman who engages in sexual activities with other women. While this may seem like an oddity in today’s primarily heterosexual society, it has been around for centuries. Despite being an accepted part of many cultures, lesbians have faced discrimination and stigmatization on a grand scale. However, in the past few decades the barriers have been broken down and more and more women are coming out to their families of origin and friends alike.

The best way to determine if you are a lesbian is to take a good hard look at your own sexual orientation and to be honest with yourself about it. A good starting point is to get a free and confidential self-assessment from your doctor or therapist. Then, you can start to make decisions about how you wish to live your life. There are plenty of resources online to help you learn about your sexuality and how to deal with those who don’t share your sexy interests.

2. You are comfortable with a group of female friends

Having a group of female friends is an incredibly powerful thing. They’re a great support system, and they’ll listen to your problems and help you out whenever you need it!

Female friendships are also a great way to relieve stress. They make you feel strong and secure, which is important in a world that often focuses on masculine traits.

They also help you grow your feminine energy. They allow you to express your feelings, grow as a person, and feel good about yourself.

If you find yourself in a sexual relationship with a close female friend, it’s important to know how to break it up. If she initiates prolonged physical contact (long hugs), asks to see you constantly, or gets upset when you spend time with other friends instead of her, it could be an attempt to attract you.

3. You have had one relationship with a woman

A relationship is a complicated jigsaw puzzle that requires some serious collaboration and compromise on both sides. It may also require a lot of effort on your part, so if you’re not willing to put in the time and energy, your relationship might not last. Fortunately, we’ve found a few things that can help you figure out if you and your partner are in for the long haul. Whether it’s a dating app or a romantic dinner at a local restaurant, you’ll find all the information you need in this cheat sheet to make your relationship dreams come true.

4. You have fantasies about kissing a woman

Whether you’re fantasizing about kissing a woman you know or a stranger, make sure that the experience is safe and comfortable. If you’re feeling threatened by the fantasy, talk to a sexual therapist so you can find out what the underlying feelings are. You may be experiencing disassociative or disembodied fantasizing, which is very common in survivors of trauma. You should also check your body and the environment before you start a new fantasy, to ensure that you’re not in danger of becoming disconnected from your partner or yourself.

Having fantasies about a woman is normal, and can be very exciting! It can also reveal a lot about your inner desires and needs. If you’re concerned about how your fantasies affect your relationship, talk to a sexual therapist so that you can explore your options and learn what you can do to make them more fulfilling. Thanks! If you have any other questions, be sure to send them in.