iOS 11 made strides in helping driver safety with Apple’s function which mutes and automatically replies to incoming messages while driving. There are almost 781 million miles of driving data that supports that this feature greatly reduced distracted driving. A new Apple patent is said to build on that safe driving feature by muting incoming calls.

Apple's 'Do Not Disturb While Driving Feature'
Apple’s ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving Feature’

Apple also said that the feature could simply be Siri answering the call and letting the caller know that you are driving. The digital assistant could also receive the incoming call, obtain one or more user-specific data items and determine one or more response options for the incoming caller, including allowing the driver to decline the incoming call completely.

With nowadays technology, numerous cars support hands-free calls, but doesn’t automatically mean that method is safe. There is still a lot of evidence that says any type of distracted driver holding a phone conversation while driving is dangerous. Some studies have even, in fact, said it is more dangerous than drunk driving. Studies say it is different than speaking with a passenger because the passenger can easily see you getting distracted and stop the conversation for both of your safety.

This is just the start of another one of Apple’s many patents and there’s no way of knowing when and if this will actually become a product. This is a right step into helping with do not disturb features and the overall safety of distracted drivers. We still tell all our loyal callers to never call into our chat lines while driving, only when your car is stopped and the engine is idle.

We know you can’t wait to get onto your hot local sex chat line for your next date or hookup, but it’s not worth your life or another innocent driver.  Please be sure to pull over when you want to meet someone new!