There are many couples out there that are looking for a third person to date or to play with on our phone dating hotline. It is an exciting way to add more love, or spice, in your relationship.

Advice For Phone Dating For Couples
Advice For Phone Dating For Couples

One of the terms that some people use to describe a woman that is “hard to find” and who matches the desires of both people in a couple is the term “unicorn” (manticore is sometimes used for males). On occasion, and in some communities, people use the term unicorn as a non-gendered one… though at a much lower rate.

A phone dating chat line can be a perfect place to find this third person. When looking, make sure to be upfront that you are part of a couple. Some couples have two partners that look for people to play with individually, and not as a couple. Because of this, and other reasons, it is important to communicate both relationship status and preferences, with both your partner and with the people you are looking to play with.

When looking through profiles, you can decide to have one profile just for you and another for you and your partner. If you are just delving into playing with other people for the first time, or are early in this journey/exploration, you will want to specify that on your profile so that people who are experienced playing with couples (or dating couples) will be able to walk you through the process appropriately (if needed).

If you are looking for a more serious relationship, decide whether you want to meet with people together (or individually) at first. Finding someone to date two people at the same time can be more difficult, so sometimes patience is required. It can also take time to meet the right match when the match needs to appeal to both partners in the couple. Sometimes the word triad is used to describe three people who are all dating each other.

One of the significant benefits of a phone dating service is the number of people on the service that are looking to date, even couples. It is also convenient to be able to sift through a large number of people in a shorter period, as well as talk with them over the phone before setting up an in-person date. Good luck!